3.22. thalamus
The GNU Health Federation aims to create a network of multiple HIS servers. Thalamus is the backend to create this federation. It is still in development and no frontend exists yet to e.g. show statistics.
The installation strategy is very similar to the HIS in terms of the directory structure, pip installation inside a virtual environment and putting uWSGI in front despite that gnuhealth is replaced by thalamus.
th_version: Version for pip installation
th_psql_uri: PostgreSQL connection URI
th_populate_db: If true create demo data in database
th_flask_secret_key: Secret key for Flask app
th_ssh_key: If true create a SSH key for thalamus user
th_home_path: Home directory of thalamus user
th_config_path: Directory for config files
th_log_path: Directory for log files
th_run_path: Run directory
th_tls_path: TLS directory
th_venv: Virtual environments path
th_use_testpypi: If true use TestPyPI for testing pip package
th_https: Prepare HTTPS for uWSGI if true
th_cert: Path of server sertificate
th_key: Path of private key
th_psql_verify_tls: If true, verifiy PostgreSQL TLS
th_psql_cert_path: Path of certificate for TLS verification of PostgreSQL
th_psql_db_user: Name of PostgreSQL user
th_psql_db_name: Name of PostgreSQL database
th_ssh_dir: Directory for thalamus users SSH, will be created if not present
th_ssh_key_path: Path of the private SSH key (public will be the same + ‘.pub’)
th_ssh_key_remote_user: Remote user that is target of SSH connection for backups
th_uwsgi_unix_socket: Whether uWSGI should spawn a UNIX socket (otherwise TCP and either uwsgi protocol or HTTPS if th_https is true)
th_http_proxy: If true, use HTTP proxy in playbook
th_http_proxy_address: Address of HTTP proxy to be used
th_uwsgi_instance: Dictionary containing all the parameters passed to uWSGI role
th_packages: Packages to be installed on the system differentiated by OS family
th_venv_python: Python executable used for virtual environment