3.7. gnuhealth-client
The client also gets installed using pip inside a virtual environment. Besides the connection information for the server and databases are already entered in the config from the previous server deployment. If ghcl_add_community_server is true an entry for the community server will be created as well.
This configuration and the plugin will be placed in the skeleton directory in order to show up for newly created operating system users. The crypto plugin also gets copied into the plugins directory. If ghcl_copy_from_skel is true it will also be copied to the home directory of the current user set in vault.yml.
The executable is linked to /usr/local/bin/gnuhealth-client in order to be executable without activating the virtual environment first. An desktop entry is also created as alternative to run the client from the terminal. By default the password for the admin user is gnusolidario. It is set in group_vars/gnuhealth/vault.yml in the inventory.
Besides the documentation is downloaded and wrapped into a desktop entry as well.
The client does not have an option to ignore security risks for unknown certificates. If you created a custom CA, set ghcl_trust_certs to true in order to trust the certificate.
ghcl_version: Version to install of the PyPI package gnuhealth-client
ghcl_crypto_plugin: If true install the crypto plugin which implies to install python-gnupg inside ghcl_venv and copy the plugin itself into ghcl_plugins_path.
ghcl_crypto_url: URL of tarball from Codeberg
ghcl_camera_plugin: If true install the camera plugin which implies to install opencv-python inside ghcl_venv and copy the plugin itself into ghcl_plugins_path.
ghcl_camera_url: URL of tarball from Codeberg
ghcl_profile_name: Name of the profile for your new database
ghcl_host_domain: Domain name followed by :port of the HIS server
ghcl_db: Name of the new database
ghcl_tryton_user: Tryton user to connect to the database
ghcl_demo_db: If the local demo database should show up
ghcl_profile_demodb: Profile name for local demo database
ghcl_demo_db_name: Database name of local demo database
ghcl_add_community_server: If community server should show up for remote demo database
ghcl_add_offline_docs: If documentation should be downloaded to have it accessible independent from your internet connection. Will have a desktop entry too.
ghcl_trust_certs: If a certificate of the server should be added to the systems trusted CAs
ghcl_certs: Path to certificate(s) to add to trusted CAs
ghcl_include_his_vars: Whether variables should be included from the server installation
ghcl_his_vars_file: Path to variables from server installation
ghcl_create_local_profile: Whether the profile entry containing the variables on top should be created for the client
ghcl_dot_desktop: Add desktop entry for GH Client if true
ghcl_http_proxy: If true, use HTTP proxy in playbook
ghcl_http_proxy_address: Address of HTTP proxy to be used
ghcl_template_comment: Comment put on top of every template delivered by Ansible
ghcl_packages: Packages to be installed on the system differentiated by OS family
ghcl_camera_packages: Packages to install for using the camera plugin
ghcl_base_dir: Base directory to contain further following directories
ghcl_venv: Path of the Python virtual environment used for installing the client and plugins dependencies
ghcl_plugins_path: Global path for plugins, links are distributed to users directory with this as target
ghcl_icon_path: Path of icon to be used by desktop entry
ghcl_venv_python: Python version to use for virtual environment, differentiated by OS
ghcl_copy_from_skel: If config, plugins and offlince docs should directly get copied from skeleton directory to ansible_user home directory
ghcl_skel_dir: Path of skeleton directory (by OS)
ghcl_use_testpypi: Whether TestPyPI should be used instead of PyPI, this can be used for testing the gnuhealth-client package before publishing
ghcl_community_db: Name of the demo database on the community server
ghcl_docs_url: URL to download documentation from
ghcl_docs_target: Target for documentation download
ghcl_docs_exe: Path of global index.html to be opened by offline docs desktop entry
ghcl_desktop_path: Path of each OS where desktop entries are put