Patient Evaluations

Introduction to Evaluations

By using GNU Health, the physicians have the possibility to open and make an Evaluation from the Patient window. This evaluation can be linked to an existing Appointment or the physicians can just create a new one.

Evaluations History

From the Patients form you can switch to the Evaluations history of a given patient by clicking on the Relate button in the toolbar. The system allows to print the report with all the patient information, which is very important when a doctor needs to see the overall situation of the patient.

Evaluations Form

The doctor has different tabs that will help him collect information during the evaluation process. The idea is to gather as much information as possible, this will allow the physician to have a better idea about the patient and to give a presumptive diagnosis in order to get to a final one and start the right treatment.

Main Info Tab

In this section we can link the evaluation to an existing previous appointment or just start a new one. The doctor can input the patient complaints, current symptoms and illness. Additionally, he can note the main condition and write out the corresponding treatment plan.

Clinical Tab

The doctor will gather all the vital signs (temperature, blood pressure …), anthropometry info and signs and symptoms encountered during the evaluation.

Mental Status Tab

The physician can make a quick Glasgow Coma Scale when it’s necessary.

Info Dx Tab

Finally the physician can make a presumptive diagnosis and input more info about it.