Local Demo Database

If you want to have demo data but save your modifications, access without internet, etc. then you can get a local demo database.

Switch to the gnuhealth user and use the installer script. You can download the latest version from the Codeberg Git Repository at:


$ ./install_demo_database.sh 44

This will download the demo database of version 4.4. It will also create the database locally.

Now enter the database name in the GNU Health client. For example, for 4.4 releases:

  • Database: ghdemo44

  • Username: admin

  • Password: gnusolidario

There is a user “admin_es” that uses the Spanish language.

You can browse the current demo databases from our download area:



Remember that databases with odd minor numbers (eg, 41) are unstable. They are the development version of the upcoming release, and for dev / testing purposes.