4.2.3. Community Server
This is a recipe to set up a community server which is not only running GNU Health HIS but all related services from this project.
It contains a shared web server and database server but distinct application servers:
The controller in the bottom right connects to all instances using SSH and holds the Certificate Authority (CA) if necessary.
The Incus base can be created with a shell script (requires Incus being installed and set up):
$ bash inventories/test/generate_community_server_incus.sh
Afterwards start from the controller and set a password inside:
$ incus shell controller
# passwd debian
-> role, set and store this password
# su debian
$ cd
Next install the requirements from the first productive example.
Then continue inside /opt/ansible/gnuhealth-ansible
on controller
by handling the passwords:
$ for instance in "postgresql" "gnuhealth" "orthanc" "thalamus" "dhis2" "nginx"; do mv ~/${instance}.pw inventories/test/community_server/host_vars/${instance}.incus.yml; done
$ sudo chown $USER:ansible inventories/test/community_server/host_vars/*.yml
$ echo "postgresql_pw: $(tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 </dev/urandom | head -c 20; echo)" >> inventories/test/community_server/group_vars/all/vault.yml
$ echo "secretpassword" > passwordfile
$ for yml in $(ls inventories/test/community_server/host_vars/*.yml); do ansible-vault encrypt $yml --vault-password-file passwordfile; done
$ ansible-vault encrypt inventories/test/community_server/group_vars/all/vault.yml --vault-password-file passwordfile
$ rm passwordfile
The passwords in ~/${instance}.pw
were created from the shell script generate_community_server_incus.sh
Another password for PostgreSQL usage is directly created.
But secretpassword
is a placeholder that should be replaced by a password that you role and store somewhere else.
It is used to encrypt all the other passwords using Ansible Vault.
Now start by testing connectivity:
$ ansible -m command -a "apt update" -i inventories/test/community_server all --become --ask-vault-pass
And finally run the playbook:
$ ansible-playbook playbooks/community_server.yml -i inventories/test/community_server/ -e ansible_user=debian --ask-vault-pass
If the services should be accessible from outside create proxies - for example like this:
$ incus config device add nginx port443 proxy listen=tcp: connect=tcp:
$ incus config device add nginx port444 proxy listen=tcp: connect=tcp:
$ incus config device add nginx port445 proxy listen=tcp: connect=tcp:
$ incus config device add nginx port446 proxy listen=tcp: connect=tcp:
This was tested in a Incus network where IPv6 is disabled - otherwise PostgreSQL related tasks might fail as HBA rules are based on IPv4 addresses currently.