4.4. One system - multiple applications

This scenario is meant to use a single Debian Desktop VM for installing GNU Health HIS, Thalamus, Orthanc and DHIS2 alongside for testing or developing its interaction.

First of all follow the first example including the step to clone and enter this repository but do not run any playbook.

Next generate the inventory:

$ bash inventories/test/generate_one_system_multi_apps.sh -h localhost

And finally run the playbook:

$ ansible-playbook playbooks/all_minimal.yml -i inventories/test/one_system_multi_apps/ -c local -e ansible_user=`whoami` -K

If you want to connect to GNU Health just run the client as in previous examples (default password: gnusolidario):

$ gnuhealth-client

To test if the other services are up open a browser and use the following links and default credentials:

Orthanc: http://localhost:81, username: admin, password: admin

Thalamus: http://localhost:82, welcome page only

DHIS2: http://localhost:83, username: admin, password: district