.. _userguide-modules-socioeconomics:socioeconomics: Socioeconomics ============== .. _userguide-modules-socioeconomics:socioeconomics-introduction_to_socioeconomics: Introduction to Socioeconomics ------------------------------ The module :code:`health_socioeconomics` takes care of the input of all the socio-economic factors that influence the health of the individual / family and society. Among others, GNU Health includes important factors such as living conditions, educational level, infrastructure, family affection (APGAR), drug addiction, hostile environment, teenage pregnancy, working children, etc. .. thumbnail:: ../../images/The_socioeconomics_module_in_GNU_Health.png :title: The socioeconomics module .. todo:: Fix: there are no tabs anymore in Socioeconomics .. _userguide-modules-socioeconomics:socioeconomics-*main*_tab: *Main* Tab ---------- The *Main* factors assess the general quality of life through the housing conditions, education level, occupation, workplace and its conditions. The information in this menu is supplemented by a free text box where you can add relevant notes of interest. In each category, we found a wide spectrum that will allow us to accurately define the socioeconomic status of the patient and determine its living conditions. In the particular case of this example, we see that the patient Ana Betz has a middle socioeconomic level, has completed university education and works as a teacher. Ana Betz also spends 10 hours away from home, does not work at home and her workplace is not a hostile area. .. _userguide-modules-socioeconomics:socioeconomics-*infrastructure*_tab: *Infrastructure* Tab -------------------- Regarding the *Infrastructure* tab, we find the checklist of the patient basic services such as sanitary sewers, gas supply, telephone, internet...as we can see in the next example: Note that the checklist is designed to uncheck the service that is lacking. All services are already tagged for an easier way to complete the list. .. _userguide-modules-socioeconomics:socioeconomics-*family*_tab: *Family* Tab ------------ The *Family* tab provides information about the family through the **Family APGAR**. The Family APGAR has been widely used to study the relationship of family function and health problems in family practice offices. This index will provide a score that assess adult satisfaction with social support from the family. We can also complete the information with Other Family issues such as drug adiction, family abuse, domestic violence, working children, etc.