.. _userguide-modules-gynecology:gynecology: Gynecology ========== .. _userguide-modules-gynecology:gynecology-introduction_to_gynecology: Introduction to Gynecology -------------------------- Gynecology is dedicated to the health of the female reproductive system. All gynecology related information can be stored in the *OB/GYN* tab in lower half of the *Patient* form. .. _userguide-modules-gynecology:gynecology-*general*_tab: *General* Tab ------------- .. thumbnail:: ../../images/Gynecology_information_in_the_Patient_form_General_tab.png :title: Gynecology information in the Patient form (General tab) :align: right :width: 30% This tab provides a general overview of the basic gynecological conditions of the patient. We can discriminate whether the patient is of a fertile age, is currently pregnant or is menopausal. In the *OB Summary* section the key figures from the obstetrics history are displayed: number of *Pregnancies*, *Premature Births*, *Abortions*, and *Stillbirths*. Below you can track the menstrual history of the patient with specific information including items such as date of last menstrual period (*LMP*), *Length*, *Frequency* or *Volume*. .. _userguide-modules-gynecology:gynecology-*screening*_tab: *Screening* Tab --------------- .. thumbnail:: ../../images/Gynecology_information_in_the_patient_form_Screening_tab.png :title: Gynecology information in the patient form (Screening tab with Mammography History and Colposcopy History open) :align: right :width: 30% Screening is the strategy of testing members of a population for certain diseases without signs or symptoms of that disease. The intention behind screening is to identify and treat patients at an early stage of the disease in the hope to reduce mortality and suffering. In the *Screening* tab of the patient form, four gynecological tests can be documented: * *Breast Self-Examination:* Check the box to indicate that the patient has performed such a test * *Mammography:* Check the box to open the *Mammography History* (see below) * *PAP Test:* Check the box to open the *PAP Smear History* (see below) * *Colposcopy:* Check the box to open the *Colposcopy History* (see below) .. _userguide-modules-gynecology:gynecology-*screening*_tab-mammography_history: Mammography History ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The *Mammography History* allows you to document any number of mammographies, each with *Date*, *Result* (normal/abnormal), *Remarks*, *Reviewed* (name of health professional) and *Institution*. .. _userguide-modules-gynecology:gynecology-*screening*_tab-pap_smear_history: PAP Smear History ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The *PAP Smear History* allows you to document any number of Pap tests, each with *Date*, *Result* (Negative, ASC-US, ASC-H, ASG, LSIL, HSIL, AIS), *Remarks*, *Reviewed* (name of health professional) and *Institution*. For more information about the Pap test, please refer to :wikipedia:`Pap test` Wikipedia article. .. _userguide-modules-gynecology:gynecology-*screening*_tab-colposcopy_history: Colposcopy History ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The *Colposcopy History* allows you to document any number of colposcopical examinations, each with *Date*, *Result* (normal/abnormal), *Remarks*, *Reviewed* (name of health professional) and *Institution*.