.. _userguide-basics-coremodule-prescriptions:prescriptions: Prescriptions ============= .. _userguide-basics-coremodule-prescriptions:prescriptions-about_prescriptions: About Prescriptions ------------------- Prescriptons can be found in the *Health → Prescriptions* section of GNU Health. However, since in most cases you only need to see the prescriptions of a specific patient, the recommended way is to open a *Patient* record and to switch to *Prescriptions* using the *Relate* button. .. _userguide-basics-coremodule-prescriptions:prescriptions-information_stored_in_prescriptions: Information Stored in Prescriptions ----------------------------------- Each *Prescriptions* record stores some general information: * *Patient*: Link to a patient (mandatory) * *Prescription ID* * *Prescription Date* * *Prescribed by*: Link to a health professional * *Pharmacy*: Link to a pharmacy (i.e. a *Party* record with the *Pharmacy* flag set) * *Pregnancy Warning* * *Prescription Verified* The information about the medicaments can be found in the *Presciption Lines* section. Each *Prescription Line* consists of the following fields: * *Medicament*: Link to a :ref:`Medicament` * *Indication*: Link to a *Pathology Info* record * *Allow Substitution* * *Print* * *Form*: Link to a *Drug Form* record * *Administration Route*: Link to another *Drug Form* record * *Start*: Date and time * *End*: Date and time * *Dose* * *Dose Unit*: Select an existing dose unit or create a new one * *Times* * *Frequency* * *Admin Hours* * *Frequency* * *Unit*: Choose from "Seconds", "Minutes", "Hours", "Days", "Weeks", or "When required" * *PRN*: Short for pro re nata (= use it as needed) * *Treatment Duration* * *Treatment Period*: Choose from "Minutes", "Hours", "Days", "Weeks", "Months", "Years", or "Indefinite" * *Review*: Date and time * *Units* * *Refills #* * *Comment* Note: Only a fraction of these fields are visible in the list view, so make sure to open a *Prescription Line* in the form you to have access to all fields. .. _userguide-basics-coremodule-prescriptions:prescriptions-prescription_stock: Prescription stock ------------------ Prescriptions can be tracked and inventoried by means of :ref:`userguide-modules-stockmanagement:stock_management`. To quickly create a new stock move, right-click the prescription → *Actions* → *Create Prescription Stock Move*. To view previous stock moves, right click the prescription → *Relate* → ''Stock Moves [readonly]''. Note: Do not create new *Stock Moves* from the Relate view.