.. SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 Adrian Thiele .. .. SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later dhis2 ======= This role creates a tomcat instance which runs a DHIS2 server: "DHIS2 is an open source, web-based platform most commonly used as a health management information system (HMIS)." By default the internal HTTP server uses port 8080. Requires a PostgreSQL server on the same machine. - **Parameters**: - dhis2_download_url: URL to dhis2 .war file to download - dhis2_download_overwrite: If true download .war file and overwrite exiting one on the system (Set to true once when changing version/download url) - dhis2_migrate_tomcat10: If true migrate .war file for usage with tomcat10 (needed for versions that don't support tomcat10 natively) - **Defaults**: - dhis2_home_path: Home directory of `dhis` user - dhis2_config_path: Directory for config files - dhis2_tomcat_path: Directory where tomcat instance gets installed to - dhis2_template_comment: Comment put on top of every template delivered by Ansible - dhis2_psql_db_user: Name of PostgreSQL user - dhis2_psql_db_name: Name of PostgreSQL database - dhis2_http_proxy: If true, use HTTP proxy in playbook - dhis2_http_proxy_address: Address of HTTP proxy to be used - **Variables**: - dhis2_packages: Packages to be installed on the system differentiated by OS family - dhis2_service_name: Name to use for systemd service